Rylands Nursing Home is a family owned and family focused purpose built nursing home set in three acres of spacious ground overlooking a pleasant rural setting. The home is situated within close proximity to the local shops, health centres, and library. The home comprises of tastefully decorated bedrooms each equipped with television points as well as a twenty four hour nurse call system, which enables residents to call staff either during the day or night. The home provides single bedrooms, majority with en suite facilities.
Our aim within the home is to provide, through our high specification accommodation and carefully selected qualified staff, the highest standards in twenty-four hour nursing and residential care possible.
We strongly believe that our home revolves around the service we provide to our residents not only in care but in the home’s holistic approach, paying particular attention to ensuring resident’s core issues such as privacy dignity, independence, fulfilment and rights are fully met.
Whether it’s residential care or nursing care, Rylands Nursing Home is much more than you’d expect from an ordinary care home. Our person-centred services put you, your comfort, your peace of mind and safety at the heart of everything we do.
At Rylands caring for our residents also extends to their families. Rylands Nursing Home person centred approach is designed to encourage independence, preserve dignity, enable freedom of choice and protect the privacy of each resident we care for. This approach enables us to champion the quality of life for all our residents. We offer a quality service to our residents through compassionate and professional care as well as empowering individuals to be actively involved in the decisions affecting their care and well being
From doctors and nurses to social workers– all of the professionals we work with share our commitment to providing a better life for the residents in our home
The home is registered for 45 Nursing Patients and 14 Residential Patients. All rooms are single -43 with en suite facilities.

At Rylands Nursing Home caring for our residents also extends to their families. Rylands person centred approach is designed to encourage independence, preserve dignity, enable freedom of choice and protect the privacy of each resident we care for. This approach enables us to champion the quality of life for all our residents. We offer a quality service to our residents through compassionate and professional care as well as empowering individuals to be actively involved in the decisions affecting their care and well being.
From doctors and nurses to social workers– all of the professionals we work with share our commitment to providing a better life for the residents in our home.
The home is registered for 45 Nursing Patients and 14 Residential Patients. All rooms are single -43 with en suite facilities.